Wax Room
We offer virgin filled or non-filled pattern waxes for use in a variety of industries.
We offer soluble and other specialty waxes, including dip seal waxes and extruded shapes with various mechanical properties.
Our reclaim and systems waxes offer excellent dimensional consistency, mechanical strength, low melt points and viscosities.
Our catalog includes emulsion cleaners for wax patterns compatible with colloidal silica slurries. These products can eliminate the need for rinsing.
The Buntrock Industries Pattern Wetting Solution (PWS) provides improved detail for lettering and knurled surfaces. The product was originally developed for a class ring manufacturer to improve casting detail and eliminate defects.
Shell Room
Our binder options include a full spectrum of standard and customizable materials. A popular choice is Buntrock’s own Quick-Set binder system, a patented two-binder system for “zebra shell” construction and chemical setting of back-up coats.
Our Shellbond 107 is a blend of colloidal silica with 6% SBA proprietary latex polymer. It contains a small amount of antifoam and an antibacterial package.
TMM30 and TMM35, binders intended for use with various ceramic powders to produce primary and backup slurries, are a 30% and 35% (respectively) colloidal suspensions of silica in water. The silica is present as a proprietary distribution of particle sizes that produces excellent adherence of the prime slurry to wax as well as good green strength and excellent autoclave and hot strengths.
Our Megasol® Binder System is another patented binder promoting faster drying because it contains less water. Green strengths are higher compared to standard small particle colloidal silica. This product is an excellent “drop-in” replacement system for foundries that want to move away from ethyl-silicate systems. Water based slurries are easily maintained and slurry pot life is extended.
For high temperature applications, Positive Sol PB-9430 is an excellent addition. This alumina-coated colloidal silica yields mullite upon firing, and can also be used to gel set most alkaline binders.
Buntrock provides a wide range of refractory options for our customers, both developed by our own team and offered through our partner suppliers.
Buntrock’s own fiber-enhanced refractories encompass several patented mixtures. The fiber benefits shell construction by reinforcing corners and adding permeability during shell firing. Since coats are thicker and more uniform, shell dips can be eliminated to improve foundry throughput. Systems have been developed for both fused silica and alumina-silicate shell construction.
Our carbon stucco refractory is another option, offering specially calcined coke produced to yield a granular, dust-free intermediate stucco. Buntrock Industries is the only company to offer this product for investment casting use, and several of our customers have been able to eliminate the practice of “canning molds” after pouring through the use of carbon stucco.
Further Buntrock-developed refractory components include our own blends of Yttria, zirconia, alumina flour and Thermafrac, which is a special high-alumina blend suitable for directional solidification (DS), single crystal (SX) and titanium castings.
We also work with respected industry suppliers to provide a range of standard refractory components and blends, including fused silica, fused white alumina, tabular alumina, and alumina silicates; as well as top-quality zircon sand and flours.
Note for our customers who have previously purchased fused silica products: new orders will be shipped in a new package. Learn more here.
Buntrock offers a full spectrum of shell-room additives to enhance your investment casting process. Our wetting agents, like PS9400, convey superior wetting properties and provide good coatings on even poorly etched wax patterns. PS9400 has good stability with colloidal silica and alumina slurries with low foaming action.
Anti-foam additives are available to control foam in aqueous systems. We offer silicone emulsions with 10%-60% active silicone that are effective in low concentrations. Polymer additives can improve shell parameters like green strength and adhesion of slurry coats to wax.
Buntrock Industries offers crucibles in a wide variety of sizes and materials to fit your current process or upgrade strategy. In addition to standard ceramic pour cups, we also provide alumina crucibles, fused silica crucibles and ramming material.
No matter what alloy your projects require, we can help you source high quality metals in any quantity. We can assist in shipping and packaging scrap orders to save you freight and inventory costs. We can also work with your casting team to order specialty alloys, certified ingot and custom alloys to match any specifications.