


Laboratory Testing Procedures

Step-by-Step Instructions for Testing, Sampling and Optimizing Investment Casting Slurries

Harness Buntrock’s experience in slurry optimization for your own in-house slurries. This free download provides step-by-step guidance to test, sample and optimize investment casting slurries.

Table of Contents

  1. BI 1109 Slurry Process Control
  2. BI 2010C Slurry Process Control
  3. Slurry Bacteria Test
  4. Slurry Binder Separation
  5. Slurry Binder Solids
  6. Slurry Binder Specific Gravity and Silica Content
  7. Slurry Density – Graduated Cylinder Method
  8. Slurry Foam Test
  9. Slurry Gelation Test
  10. Slurry pH
  11. Slurry Temperature
  12. Slurry Total Solids
  13. Slurry Viscosity – Flow Cup Method
  14. Yttria Prime Slurry Maintenance
  15. Yttria Prime Slurry Makeup

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